IPA MNE QUAKE 2014 Field Exercise
The first field exercise IPA MNE QUAKE 2014 was successfully conducted in Podgorica, Montenegro from 20 to 24 October 2014.
The IPA MNE QUAKE 2014 started on Monday, 20 October 2014 with a tabletop exercise with command post exercise features. Main focus was to exercise the process of requesting and offering international assistance through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism after a large scale earthquake. All seven Partner Countries participated from their actual Headquarters. All responded quickly with the offers of assistance using the foreseen procedures.
The field exercise part began on Tuesday, 21 October 2014 with the arrival of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams to the Reception and Departure Centre (RDC), jointly organized in the outskirts of Podgorica by the MNE Host Nation Support (HNS) and the EU Civil Protection Team (EUCPT).